DCCube auf der OPEL E-Rallye 2022 in Sulingen

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Welchen Zweck erfüllt der DCCube auf der E-Rallye?

The Opel E-Rally in Sulingen 2022 was a complete success! There were quite a few talented drivers from all over Europe at the start of this exciting event to test their skills and their electric racing vehicles. But with the increasing number of e-vehicles on the road, the question still remains: How will they be charged during the race?

This is where charge4hire comes in. As a pioneer in the development of mobile charging solutions for electric vehicles, the company is proud to play a central role in the Opel-e Rally in Sulingen. Charge4hire will provide dedicated mobile charging infrastructure to ensure that all e-race vehicles can be charged during the race.

Charge4hire's charging infrastructure will give Opel-e Rally participants the freedom to drive without the restrictions of a traditional charging station. The mobile chargers can be placed in almost any location, allowing drivers to charge their vehicles while they focus on the race. Charge4hire's charging solutions are also designed to work quickly and efficiently to ensure that e-race vehicles can be charged as quickly as possible.

With Charge4hire as a partner, participants can be sure that their vehicles are always charged so they can enjoy the full power and speed of their electric race cars.

But see for yourself what one participant in the rally has to say about the event and the charging infrastructure.


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The converted Rally Opel E-Corsa is the star of the day at the Opel E-Rally in Sulingen. With its lightning-fast acceleration and outstanding driving characteristics, this electric race car has already attracted many eyes. But to compete in the race, the E-Corsa must also have an optimal charging infrastructure that allows it to be recharged quickly and effectively.

Dafür kommt der DCCube von Charge4hire ins Spiel. Der DCCube ist ein innovatives mobiles Ladesystem, das speziell für den Einsatz bei Motorsportveranstaltungen entwickelt wurde. Dieses Ladegerät kann das Elektrofahrzeuge aufladen und ist dabei so effizient, dass es den Batterien der Fahrzeuge genug Strom liefert, um sie in kürzester Zeit wieder voll aufzuladen.

So while the E-Corsa is being put through its paces by the mechanics, it is charging at a DCCube. It's an impressive sight that shows just how far electric mobility has come. Instead of relying on a conventional gas station, electric vehicles like the E-Corsa can be charged quickly and conveniently at mobile chargers.

But that's not all: Charge4hire's charging infrastructure is also designed to integrate seamlessly with motorsport logistics. The mobile chargers can be easily and quickly placed in different locations to ensure that all vehicles can be charged at all times. This keeps the action on the track while the charging solutions take care of the power supply in the background.

Die Opel-e Rallye in Sulingen ist ein spannendes Beispiel dafür, wie die Elektromobilität auch den Motorsport revolutionieren kann. Mit innovativen Lösungen wie dem DCCube von Charge4hire werden Elektro-Rennwagen immer leistungsfähiger und können auch auf der Rennstrecke ihr volles Potenzial ausschöpfen.

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